Solvent Red 26 is classified chemically as a disazo color. It conforms to the formula: C25H22N4.
CAS Numbers:
- 4477-79-6
EC/List Numbers:
- 224-757-3
Technical Names:
- 1-[[2,5-Dimethyl-4-[(2-Methylphenyl)Diazenyl]Phenyl]Diazenyl]Naphthalen-2-ol
- 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[2-[2,5-Dimethyl-4-[2-(2-Methylphenyl)Diazenyl]Phenyl]diazenyl]-
- CI 26120
- Oil Red EGN
Product Categories:
- Air Care Products
VOC Status:
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