C11-13 Synthetic Isoparaffin is a mixture of branched chain aliphatic hydrocarbons with 11 to 13 carbons in the alkyl chain. C11-13 Synthetic Isoparaffin is synthetically produced from light gases; does not contain distilled crude oil molecules. As per INCI 2025 revision of the nomenclature for the hydrocarbon ingredients, all the “Isoparaffin” stem terms will be replaced by “Isoalkane”. The current timeframe for this approach is anticipated through 2025. In transition to new terminology, the updated HCPA name of C11-13 Isoalkane has the preference over the current C11-13 Synthetic Isoparaffin.
CAS Numbers:
- 64742-48-9
- 90622-58-5
EC/List Numbers:
- 265-150-3
Technical Names:
- C11-13 Isoparaffin (INCI)
- C11-15-Isoalkanes (IFRA)
- Distillates (Petroleum) Hydrotreated Light
- Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Heavy (IFRA)
Product Categories:
- Aerosol Products
- Air Care Products
- Antimicrobial Products
- Cleaning Products
- Industrial and Automotive Chemicals
- Pest Management Products
- Polishes and Floor Maintenance Products
VOC Status:
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